Cuando se ha salido del círculo de errores y de ilusiones en el interior del cual se desarrollan los actos, tomar posición es casi imposible. Se necesita un mínimo de estupidez para todo, para afirmar e incluso para negar. E.M. Cioran
septiembre 18, 2008
about an angel...
I am like a violin... and someone is playing on my G string. (He is a master on the subject, what a beautiful sound! what a wonderful music!).
2 comentarios:
To play "you" has to be a difficult task... such the one involved to play a Stradivarius...
Need not only being a master, but a virtuoso...
If this person exists, please, tell him to treat you delicate, to play you, caress you, stroke you...
2 comentarios:
To play "you" has to be a difficult task... such the one involved to play a Stradivarius...
Need not only being a master, but a virtuoso...
If this person exists, please, tell him to treat you delicate, to play you, caress you, stroke you...
ohh, I already did it, but he knows it in advance, he really knows his violin and his 'absolute pitch' is perfect!
(Hey! you know that, you are my Paganini!!!)
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